Specialisation Course "Becoming Aware" available

Specialisation Course "Becoming Aware" available

by Phoenix -
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We are happy to announce that the specialisation course "Becoming Aware" is available as of today to our upgraded members. This course had been closed down in the past due to lack of mentorship, but is now reopened.

The Becoming Aware Course is designed to bring you awareness of the world around you by simply re-learning how to use the senses and how to listen to the messages they bring. This course is about You. It is about honing in on who you are and where you are by listening, seeing, smelling, touching and tasting. 

You can enrol in this course in the usual way: go to the menu "Druid College" and then "List of Courses". In the "Course Categories" dropdown-menu, select "Specialisation Courses", and then scroll down until you find "Becoming Aware Course". Click on "JOIN COURSE" on the right, fill out the application form, and follow the instructions you will receive by e-mail.

If you are interested in taking this course, but you are not an upgraded member, you can find more information about upgrading your account at this link: