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Gratis Jongerencursussen



The Grove of Dana is our online Druid college, where you can follow courses for free.  You don't need to buy any books, all you need to do is join in, download the course and start reading and following instructions!

The Youth Courses will teach you all that is important on the Druid path, and while you will also write assignments to show you understand what you have learned, you will also get to do alot of fun stuff, like making and drawing things!  And the good thing is, you can do it all in your own time, you don't need to bring in assignments before a certain date, because wisdom can't be rushed. All you need is a (free) account on the website, and you can get started right away!



This course will discuss several basics of Celtic traditions and Druid lore that you can apply regardless of your age. Among the topics discussed are the Celtic festivals, tribal life of the Celts, roles of the Bard and Druid, Celtic virtues and traditions, Celtic history and mythology, and much more.

Taliesin the Bard, the narrator on the first phase of your Druid path, will guide you through all the aspects that form the very basics of being a Druid. Whether you are young or old, you will learn the meaning of the Celtic festivals, Celtic culture, art, virtues, history and mythology... as well as experience the connection with nature, and Celtic spirituality. You will be guided through the principles of Balance and Harmony, the various roles of a Bard and Druid, the Ogham writing, the Life Energy and Place-Bonding. 

If you want to know first whether this course is something you would like, then just CLICK HERE TO SEE A PREVIEW.

If you prefer to have this course in a book, it is also available for sale in our online shop:

(Je dient hiervoor ingelogd te zijn)

More youth courses are planned for the future...


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