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Problem with passwords for new account registrations

(This is not an April Fool's joke)

Due to a software issue, the website is currently experiencing a problem with the passwords of new accounts that are registered here. Even after successfull registration and confirmation, the website refuses to log in new members and keeps saying the password is incorrect, even when it is actually entered correctly.

If you wish to create an account on our website, try choosing a password that contains no numbers, capitals or other special characters, only lowercase letters. After successfull registration and logging in, you will be able to change your password to something else of your choice, even if it contains numbers and/or uppercase letters. 

If you still experience problems logging in after registration, please use the "Contact us" form (sub-menu under "Home") to let us know about this. We will then send you a new password, with which you will be able to login. After logging in you will be able to change your password to anything of your choice again.

Note that this does not affect members who are already registered on the website. If you are already registered but still experience login problems, however, don't hesitate to contact us as well.

We apologize for the inconvenience and try to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Update on website problems

Most problems on the website that we reported earlier have been fixed. The profiles are working again and logging out is no longer a problem. The Dutch version of the profiles will still have some issues as some Dutch translations still need to be inserted.

When accessing the college area, you will be asked to login again as this is unfortunately no longer working automatically. You will be able to login with your regular username and password.

More news will be reported soon.

Problems with the website

Members of the website may currently experience some issues with some parts. There are currently problems with the profiles-section and the logout-button. Other sections, such as the forums and the college, are still working normally.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will try to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

College course books available again in print!

For quite some time, we have been unable to offer the printed book versions of our courses in the Grove of Dana online Druid college. In the past, these books used to be printed through our Cafepress online shop, until they decided to shut down their book printing services. NOD has therefore decided to bring the books back in print through the online press service of Lulu instead.

We are happy to announce that, as of now, all our course books are back available in print! But there's more:

* Aside from the Bardic and Ovate Course books, we now also have the Druid Course book available in print!
* All books have been reduced in price thanks to the lower printing costs of Lulu, and are now available at only € 12 per book (excluding shipping). 

The books are the same as in the past, except for a size format modification and, in most cases, new book cover images. Some revisions in the text have been done in order to edit out spelling errors that had been overlooked in the past, but the content itself is still the same.

Have a look at the new NOD Bookstore by clicking here and check it out for yourself!

It should be noted that the printed book versions of our courses are intended for those who prefer to read the courses on paper rather than on a screen. You are not obligated to buy these books in order to enrol in our courses, as you will still be able to download the course material in full. All profits from the sales of these books will be spent entirely on maintenance expenses of the New Order of Druids.



Changes to Celtopedia

Celtopedia is a Celtic-related wiki which was launched by the New Order of Druids in 2006. Due to technical reasons related to the server, some changes have recently been made to Celtopedia.

As of now, Celtopedia has become integrated with the "Celtic Library", another wiki which is integrated into the main website. As such, Celtopedia as an independent wiki has ceased to exist and part of its contents has become integrated with the Celtic Library. The Celtic Library will henceforth be known as "Celtopedia" instead. 

Not all contents has been moved over: a large portion of the Celtopedia articles were in fact copied from Wikipedia and have since not received necessary updates. For those articles, we refer to Wikipedia for the latest revisions. Other parts, such as the extensive Celtic Timeline and some independent articles, will remain and can be found in the new Celtopedia. This allows us to save on server space, provide better up-to-date content, and to fully integrate Celtopedia into the main website.

The link to Celtopedia still continues to work and will refer to the new integrated weblink: celtopedia.druidcircle.net.

College News

We would like to announce some changes in the Grove of Dana online Druid College.

The first change is that we have decided to close down the "Becoming Aware" course. The course was lacking mentorship, and since it never attracted many students we have decided it would not be worth the effort of finding new mentors for it for the time being. All other specialisation courses remain available, of course.

The second change is that there are now two College Coordinators. Elke remains college coordinator as before, but she will now get the help of a second coordinator, Ben (Ontwaken). Please allow Ben a bit of time to get up to speed with everything. The recommended communication channels remain the same: the helpdesk support system, e-mail or the "College Technical Support" forum.

Thank you for your understanding.

NOD's 10th anniversary as a non-profit organisation

This year, in May 2016, the New Order of Druids will exist for 10 years as a non-profit organisation.

The New Order of Druids initially began on February 1, 2003. Originally, it was only a website with a discussion forum, which was later expanded with a college. On May 3, 2006, we became an official non-profit organisation for the first time. The event received a great deal of media attention in the Belgian press. 

The New Order of Druids couldn't be what it is today, without the input of all our members. Therefore, we would like to thank you for your input, help and even simply your presence with us. We hope that, with your help, we will be able to continue to grow!

Updates on college certificates and NOD Circles

We would like to inform you about a few changes and updates within the New Order of Druids.

The first update is of interest to all students of the Bardic, Ovate and Druid courses in the Grove of Dana online Druid college. As of now, it will be possible to request a certificate for completed courses in both digital and printed format. The printed version is available only to upgraded members, as it was already the case before, but the digital version is available to all members, including the free ones.

Note that digital certificates are only available for free members if your date of course completion took place on or after September 1, 2014. For upgraded members, this date is extended to July 2007 (for both the printed and digital formats). You can read all the information and requirements at this link:


The second update concerns a decision we have had to make in relation to the NOD Circles (work groups). Due to prolongued inactivity in all existing groups, it has been decided to close down these circles. The discussion topics that were posted in the related forums, however, will not be lost as they have been moved into the nearest relevant general forum (mostly The Druid Inn and The Celtic Cauldron, depending on the subject). We regret having to make this decision, but we hope to count on your participation in various other topics of interest in the general forums.

Heartbleed bug: no reason for concern

These past few days, you may have heard of several warnings for the so-called "Heartbleed bug". This bug allowed hackers to exploit an OpenSSL vulnerability among several servers, and steal login details (such as passwords) of several well-known websites from Google to Yahoo.

The question is: does the server of the New Order of Druids website (druidcircle.org and druidcircle.net) have the same vulnerability, and do you need to change your NOD account password?

The answer is no. 
Priorweb, the host of the NOD website, has announced on their website that their servers did not use the vulnerable versions of OpenSSL. This means that hackers would not have been able to steal login details from any websites hosted by Priorweb, and that includes the websites of the New Order of Druids. 

In short, you do not need to change your password on the NOD website, unless you happen to use the exact same login details on other websites as well, that do or did have that vulnerability. 

Here you will find a list of websites that have, or have not, been affected by the Heartbleed bug:


More information on Priorweb's announcement (only available in Dutch):


New NOD Vernemeton: Grove of the White Oak

The New Order of Druids is slowly but surely growing. We are happy to announce that a new Vernemeton - local grove of NOD - has recently been created.

We would like to welcome the Grove of the White Oak, a Vernemeton in Asheville, North Carolina, USA! If you live in the western NC area, east Tennessee or upstate South Carolina, you might be interested in joining, either formally or informally. The Vernemeton focuses upon Bardic and Druidic studies, and on celebration of the seasonal high days of the year. The Grove of the White Oak will be officially consecrated at Beltaine this year.

For more information about the Grove of the White Oak, you can visit their website:


Or read more about it on the NOD website: http://www.druidcircle.org/druid/index.php/en/nemetons/find-a-local-nemeton/240-grove-of-the-white-oak

We wish founder Finn the best of luck with this new Vernemeton, which is now the third local grove of the New Order of Druids. The other two are:

* Lady Angel Christian Bards, a grove inspired by Christian Druidism located in Topeka, Kansas: http://www.druidcircle.org/druid/index.php/en/nemetons/find-a-local-nemeton/232-lady-angel-christian-bards

* Nervii Nemeton, mothergrove of NOD located in Antwerp, Belgium: http://www.druidcircle.org/druid/index.php/en/nemetons/find-a-local-nemeton/190-nervii-nemeton


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