I returned to my course after a long absence, but all my previous assignments and grades are gone.


The online Druid college maintains all ongoing and previous coursework of our students in its system, for at period of at least 5 years. This means that, if you re-enroll in a course after a long absence, you can usually just continue the course where you left off before, as assignments and grades will still be accessible.

However, if your coursework predates August 2017, you will find that it is no longer available. In August 2017, we switched to a different software platform for our online Druid college, and it was not possible to migrate previous coursework over from the old system to the new.

If your coursework was done in the old college, you will have to start over the course. You are welcome to reupload your previous assignments, if you still have a copy of them, so they can be graded again by a mentor. We recommend to let your mentor know that these assignments were written before your prolongued absence.

As a student, you are at all times responsible to keep copies and backups of your own coursework.


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