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Druid Course

Druid Course
 Druid Course Journal
1. Celtic Religion
 1. What is religion?
 2. What is paganism?
 3. What is Celtic religion and what do we know about it?
 4. Choosing your path.
2. Celtic Worship
 5. Deities, Ancestors and Spirits of the Land
 6. Setting up your Hearth or altar
3. Celtic Ritual
 7. Ritual and ritual components
 8. Practice exercise: daily offerings
 9. How to create a ritual
 10.The Celtic wheel of the year and the moon.
4. Shamanism & Seership; Divination
 11.1 Celtic Seership (exercise 1)
 11.2 Celtic Seership (exercise 2)
 11.3 Celtic Seership (exercise 3)
 11.4 Celtic Seership (exercise 4)
 12. Divination
5. Final Projects
 Final Project 1: Druid Journal
 Final Project 2: Create a Druid Object
6. Feedback & Mentorship
 After the Druid Course

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