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The services on this website are made possible by the time, effort and donations of the membership of the N.O.D.

Contributions are welcome from those who wish to voluntarily support this international work.

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Reeds geruime tijd hebben we geen gedrukte boeken van onze cursussen van de Grove of Dana online Druïdenschool kunnen aanbieden. In het verleden werden die boeken gedrukt via onze Cafepress online winkel, maar zij hebben hun boekendrukafdeling stopgezet. NOD moest om die reden de boeken elders opnieuw gedrukt zien te krijgen, en dit gebeurt online via de online boekendrukservice van Lulu.

Graag laten we u dan ook weten dat, vanaf nu, alle boeken opnieuw in druk en beschikbaar zijn! Maar er is nog meer nieuws:

* Naast de Bardic en Ovate Course boeken is nu ook het Druid Course boek beschikbaar in druk!
* Alle boeken zijn verlaagd in prijs dankzij de lagere drukkosten van Lulu, en zijn nu beschikbaar voor slechts € 12 per book (exclusief verzendkosten). 

Op dit moment zijn alle boeken in het Engels beschikbaar, maar het Nederlandstalige boek "Leerling van het Woud" (vertaling van "Entering the Forest", de Bardische Jongerencursus) is ook opnieuw beschikbaar.

De boeken zijn hetzelfde als in het verleden, behalve de formaatgrootte en, in de meeste gevallen, nieuwe coverafbeeldingen. Er zijn enkele aanpassingen gedaan in de tekst om spelfouten te verwijderen die in het verleden over het hoofd werden gezien, maar de inhoud blijft hetzelfde.

Neem een kijkje in onze nieuwe NOD Boekenwinkel door hier te klikken en ontdek ons huidig aanbod aan boeken!

Er dient te worden opgemerkt dat de gedrukte versies van onze cursussen bedoeld zijn voor mensen die de cursus liever op papier lezen dan op een computerscherm. Je bent niet verplicht deze boeken te kopen om in te kunnen schrijven in de cursussen, aangezien je het cursusmateriaal nog steeds volledig kan downloaden. Alle opbrengsten van de verkoop van deze boeken gaat integraal naar onderhoudskosten van de New Order of Druids.





logo 266x288 transparentWelcome to the New Order of Druids!

Welcome to the New Order of Druids, where the Ancient Wisdom of the Druids meets the new world of today, for the age of Druids and magic are not our past, they can be our future... So who and what are we?

The New Order of Druids is intended to unite people with the same interest: wisdom and insight. We believe that wisdom is priceless, and therefore, joining our Circle and College is and always will be free. As long as one's intentions are positive, it does not matter which age, gender, nationality or religion one has to enter the Circle. We are not any kind of cult, but a growing Circle of people with similar and different beliefs, uniting together. To read more about us, CLICK HERE.

Recent News


Sunday, 09 July 2023

Due to vacation, the webmaster and membership administration departments will not be available until July 24. Any questions sent to these departments will be handled afterwards.

Thank you for your understanding and have a great Summer!

Druid Youth Course now available in Dutch!

Thursday, 12 January 2023

We are happy to announce that the Druid Youth Course is now also available in Dutch. This course follows the Bardic Youth Course and Ovate Youth Course, which have already been available in Dutch. Students need to have completed these two courses before they can enrol into the Druid Youth Course.

At this moment, the Dutch Druid Youth Course does not have a mentor available yet, as there are no graduates of the Dutch Ovate Youth Course at this point. However, the course book can already be purchased from our online bookstore at this link: 

With thanks to Ben (Ontwaken) for the Dutch translations.


Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Due to vacation, the webmaster and membership administration departments will not be available until July 25. Any questions sent to these departments will be handled afterwards.

Thank you for your understanding and have a great Summer!



Sunday, 11 July 2021

The membership administration and webmaster department will be on vacation until July 20, 2021. Support tickets and other inquiries may not be answered until after July 20. 

Thank you for your understanding.

New self-study Meditation Course

Thursday, 18 February 2021

We are happy to announce that we have launched a new self-study Meditation Course. The course does not come with mentoring, but is free for all members of NOD. Its main purpose is to help students of other courses with their meditation practice, but you can also take this course if you're not enrolled in any other courses.

The Meditations Course is a practical journaling course involving meditations and visualisations which are intended to demonstrate your own personal growth in this aspect of personal practice. The course provides 39 meditations and journaling exercises to be performed over a period of 13 months. By keeping a journal you will be able to look back on your entries and see the progress you make and this will aid in your future development.

You can find the Meditation Course here:


King Arthur and the
Gods of the Round Table

Ever wondered if the legends of King Arthur, and the knights and ladies of Camelot, were based on the myths and legends of the Celts, or even on the Germanic and Greek ones? 

King Arthur and the Gods of the Round Table

This book will not only offer an indepth search of parallels between the Arthurian and Celtic legends, but also searches for the pagan symbolism hidden within the many medieval stories of the King of Camelot.

This book can be purchased at the link below:





You can help us to
support the Earth!

For each member that pays for an upgraded membership, the New Order of Druids will automatically donate 5 € to the Nature Conservancy @ in order to preserve nature and life all around the world! By upgrading your account, you do not only support us, but also the Earth!


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